Life Is In Stages

People often set timers for the different stages of their lives (that is a long to do list they hope to achieve before a particular age) I'm not implying it's wrong to set goals and have your life planned out but, it becomes wrong when you get stressed out, beaten and totally give up on yourself because whatever you have mapped out at a particular stage doesn't play out, it is wrong to keep comparing yourself to your friends that started at the same time with you but are way ahead of you. Trust me I know more than anyone else that life is a tiresome time spent in variety of waiting room but, it's not an excuse to force yourself into competing with others even when people around tell you that you're moving backwards. The truth is this unnecessary competition breed jealousy and, instead of being happy for the other person's success and achievements you end up convincing yourself that you deserve to have what others have more than they do. The whole poin...