How To Live Life On Your Own Terms

Alot of people today are scared of living life on their own terms they live each passing day walking on eggshells by letting their family, friends and society define their goals, passion, relationship and who they are, I hate to burst your bubbles, but you're going to end up not satisfied or fulfilled if you keep trying to live your life on other people's terms. It's time to live that life you've always wanted. Make the most out of your potential invest in your passion and make a living out of it (if that is what you want) learn that skill to help you, own your happiness without the fear of being questioned or criticized. Let go of negative people who will rather see you below than above them. Welcome things or people who believe in the beautiful potential of life itself, people who believe in your drive/purpose, people who contribute to your mental, physical and spiritual growth. The truth is no matter how cautious or reckless you live your life you will get ...