6 Ways to Make Your Relationship Better

We want the best in everything we are involved in, it’s in our nature as humans, but life as we know is not a pedestal of perfection and so is relationship. If you have a good relationship and want to make things better this post is for you or if you are trying to save your 'ship' from sinking this post for you. Appreciate. The major problem with most relationship is the entitlement mentality of some people. Gifts, surprises, and care should not be one sided, no matter how little a gift or act of kindness you get act/ look pleased, and if what you recieved is below your expectations do not talk about it in the moment. Tone Matters. The truth is you can be right, but wrong at the top of your voice do not be insensitive when making your point known. Generally, because of things left unsaid, one’s reaction to the most trivial thing could be extra. Forgive. Forgetfulness is common and no one is above it probably because we all have things we are deal...