6 Non Conventional Ways To Celebrate Valentine During The Pandemic

Since the Pandemic everything about our lives have veered off course and we are gradually embracing and adjusting to a whole new lifestyle. Not in our wildest dreams did we fanthom wearing masks, social distancing and carrying santizers in our handbags or pockets would become the new normal. All these happenings have had a good number of us wishing we could time travel back to when fun outdoorsy things were allowed without restrictions. With that said, it is no surprise that the forthcoming Valentine will be a Non Traditional one for many. If this is something different from your previous ones and you're confused on how to make the most of it, not to worry you can still celebrate the 14th by having the most fabulous day while expressing love and appreciating your partner or yourself. Before going further, it is important to note that this year's Valentine should not be about the major population's approach, but yours as an individual and your partner's. ...