6 Non Conventional Ways To Celebrate Valentine During The Pandemic

Since the Pandemic everything about our lives have veered off course and we are gradually embracing and adjusting to a whole new lifestyle. Not in our wildest dreams did we fanthom wearing masks, social distancing and carrying santizers in our handbags or pockets would become the new normal.

All these happenings have had a good number of us wishing we could time travel back to when fun outdoorsy things were allowed without restrictions. With that said, it is no surprise that the forthcoming Valentine will be a Non Traditional one for many. 

If this is something different from your previous ones and you're confused on how to make the most of it, not to worry you can still celebrate the 14th by having the most fabulous day while expressing love and appreciating your partner or yourself. 

Before going further, it is important to note that this year's Valentine should not be about the major population's approach, but yours as an individual and your partner's. 

Enjoy Homemade Food

To start with, restaurants that are licensed to be open will be crawling with people. It's wise to sit this one out and stay at home. You can make something special and different, it could be a new recipe you learnt online or your mama's special recipe you've been dying to try out.

Surprise Your Partner

It's really the little things that matters in some of our books. Who said you have to surprise your spouse/partner this season with something neatly wrapped in a bow. Blow your partner's mind with the sweetest words of appreciation for the little or big things they do. Write down how you feel if you're not a chatty cat or get a fancy card that genuinely capture your words to them if you're not good at penning down your words.

Invite Friends Over

Valentine does not have to be boring in as much as you are doing it the non traditional way. The point is, if you can't go to the party, bring the party home by inviting your friends over.

Give To Charity

The day doesn't necessarily have to be about you and your partner, remember its about extending love to others and not limiting it to your love ones alone and since you will be having a non traditional Valentine its important that the day should not be about you. That is why visiting an orphanage and giving comes as top priority.
 Or you could surprise that poor family on your street with a little something.

Go Sightseeing

If you love to go sightseeing like I do, then this should be the perfect chance for you to spend time with nature. Remember to take some pictures while at it.

Extend the Love to Yourself

With everything going on in the world right now, it's actually not a bad idea to extend some love to yourself, treat yourself to a little special thing it could be something wrapped in a little bow, or a card addressed from you to yourself. Celebrate your pit and pitch in the past year because if anyone deserves it, it should be you.

Feel free to drop a comment or send me an e-mail. 


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