Subtle Signs You're Falling In Love

No one is entirely immune to the legendary cupid's arrow, we've all felt or will feel it at a time. The signs are obvious when you're falling for someone, thinking about them every second, the nervous feeling when around them, the feeling of butterflies in your stomach, the unquenchable desire to hear from them and the need to look spiffy  just to impress them.

The truth is, no one can tell when this thing happen, there are no maps of the change falling in love brings and most times it happens when you think you're past that sort of thing or not ready for it.

Your Relationship doesn't Feel Forced

Being with your partner feels easy, you don't have to work hard to make things take their desired form. To spend time with them becomes what you really want, even a day spent together is not enough.

When you argue, it's no longer a battle of superiority like it used to in the past, you're not worried to accept your fault and apologize. 

You get Jealous easily

A little jealousy is natural for a healthy relationship, but when you become a detective and start spying and stalking your partner that's unhealthy.

You Enjoy their hobbies

When you find yourself enjoying their hobbies and listening to genres of music you're not really keen on, it's a huge sign that you're soaked in love. 

You're taken by everything about the person

When you're re truly in love, you're obviously attracted to your partner. You like everything about them or can't even really point out what you really love about them.
 Sometimes, people get soaked by just the littlest thing, it could be the way your partner laughs, their facial expressions, or even the way they see the world.

You become more affectionate

If you have been struck by the cupid's arrow, it's only natural that you want to spend more time with your partner. Whether it's by staring at them, holding hands or cuddling endlessly as long as you're together.

Your partner's happiness becomes priority

When you're ready to place their feelings first that's you falling, your old selfish self suddenly disappear, you empathize with them and most importantly support and encourage each other.

Become a better version of yourself

You know you're tipsy in love when your partner inspires you to be better. Whether its by setting new goals or dropping old bad habits.

Its important your partner pushes you to become a better person. The fact of the matter is, if you love someone you would do everything to make them achieve their dreams.


My thoughts

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