3 Types of Couples

If you're not in a relationship or married yet at least you know someone who is. Behind every relationship is a unique sweet story or a unique bitter story. So, I came to the realisation that there are three major types of couples. I know you're wondering what I'm talking about right now but here it is.

1) The mismatched couple

These couple are the definition of romance and love. They make you want to question why you're with your your partner at first sight. When you're with one half all you get to hear is what the other half said, did and even when they are just a yard away from each other their phones keep buzzing because it's like one half can't survive without the other.

 When they finally take a vow before family and friends to stay glued to each other forever..Boom! 1-3 months down the path of marriage things get sour, then comes the bitter discovery that they were not in any way compatible; they begin to see a thousand thing wrong with their partner.

One of the spouse use the distance in the marriage as an excuse  to cheat on the other. Then comes the pain, betrayal and hurt making the home a battle field. These two live in contempt, children are born and raised in this situation not knowing what love and happiness really is.

2) The on-  again off- again  Couple

They are the least compatible at first sight, they fight, argue and can go for months without communicating with each other, breakup, makeup and the process repeats itself. They rarely talk about each other or seen together in public places. In fact, the thread that holds these two together is the desire of having someone around.

 People wonder what connects these two. Often times, they are not always there for each other when the need arise and when finally they feel the need to settle down you'll find out that after the big day they become the sweetest inseparable couple. 

There is peace in the relationship, they literally cannot survive without each other. What they deprived each other of during their dating days they make up in abundance and raise their children in love.

3) The cute Couple

These type of couple are the true definition of love. They either fall in love from the very first time they set eyes on each other or start as friends. And make you want to leave whoever you're with. (Especially if your partner falls under #2 )

Their cruise on the ship is the smoothest. They understand themselves and communicate without even moving lips. Their silence speak loud to each other's soul even in the midst of thousands.
They are faithful to their vow and the strongest support systems for each other. When they finally take the vow on the big day, they live happily raising children in this love and their story inspiring a lot of people.


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