
 She met him him during her final year at the University, he was about thirty five and rather a good looking man he was over six foot tall, of athlete build- he looked as if he might be a sportsman with the most welcoming smile. She had a weakness for big men, and it was love at first sight like her whole body directed her to him. Time literally slowed down luckily a friend of hers introduced them, and they talked about everything she found out that not only did they share so many interest, but birthday. They became inseparable, and as weeks turned into months and years their bond grew stronger. He treated her with respect, they went on vacations several times to different parts of the world, never raised his voice at her, and was there for her at all time, she found herself  falling deeper in love with him.

Although they lived in different cities he made it a routine to visit her every month. When he was  too busy to visit he made travelling arrangements for her to visit him, and was able to commit the time someone was supposed to have for a relationship; he was patient with her and there was never a day they bickered about anything, he was the most faithful and loyal lover a girl could ask for. Things got pretty serious between them and he proposed to her,  she introduced him to every person that mattered in her life the only problem was that she didn't know any member of his family though he claimed they were all abroad, and hardly visit the country she knew just a friend of his, and when she called his attention to it he told her he like to keep his wolve pack small.

She had not planned on getting pregnant, and had been on the pill, but she figured somebody in the quality control department of the jolly old Ovril factory was asleep at the switch when her batch of pills went on the conveyor belt, or maybe she forgot to take the pill and have since forgotten she forgot. She wasn't  thrilled about it but knew he was going to be happy since he had been going on about having a little girl that looks just like her, and she had seen how affectionate he was with children. There was no way she was breaking the news to him over the phone she wanted to see the look on his face when she broke the news to him there was no way she was missing that in as much as she was not ready to be a mother yet, but unlike her she knew he had been ready for a long time.

She thought of inviting him over but realised he had been very busy lately, and decided to pay him a surprise visit she thought she was going to die of anxiety and it felt like the first time she visited him all over. She took two days making her travel arrangements. Thinking of how excited he would feel,
'the wedding will have to be moved forward, I don't want a child out of wedlock' she thought to herself.
 Through the thirty minutes flight she was jittery after what seem like forever she finally arrived at her destination, she tried calling him from the airport but his number was switched off and decided to take a cab to his house.

 Arriving at the house she was greeted by an unfamiliar security guard and wondered

'what happened to Yusuf, the one she had helped him hire, and  what could have made him fire Yusuf she was quiet fond of him, and why would he do that without consulting her, it was so unlike him they were a team and made decisions together, well he will  have to explain to her, but first she needed to give him the baby news'

she thought smiling to herself.

She was let into the house by a beautiful woman instead of the regular housekeeper. The new woman looked her up and down probably a trick to make her feel discomfort. She just stood meekly and did her best not to look discomforted.

'Finally I get to meet a relative of his' she
murmured to herself.

Sitting on one of the chairs was a beautiful girl of about eight years eyes glued to the television.

'You told our security guard you wanted to see my husband'
 she probably didn't hear her right, and was about asking the woman what she said when she saw him descending the stairs looking as handsome as ever she fought the urge of going to kiss him

 'Not when the the kid is here' she cautioned herself concealing a giggle,

when their eyes met she saw fear, anger, disgust, but the look was gone within the second. Then the new woman said

'Honey you have a visitor'

 immediately the little girl looked at her and said

'dad who is she'?

At this point the hinge of his mouth was left unfixed.

'Wife, daughter' she murmured to herself.

 She awoke to a sharp pain in her head in a small room the size of a cubicle, and recalled she had a terrible nightmare that her Ben was married, immediately she remembered it was not a dream, that was when all the emotions began to flood out of  her heart, and realized she had been played like a violin by him. She was three months pregnant without a job and little or no savings to her name she knew this twinge of sadness was going to last a life time.


My thoughts

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Tips: Effective Ways to Improve Communication in Relationship

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