6 Ways to Get Over Someone You Loved

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I wrote a post some years ago about moving on from a bad breakup, and the response was impressive. Truth is, a lot of us actually find it difficult moving on after years spent with someone.

 A lot of people have been messed up in a way that they don't  trust anyone enough to want to start a relationship with. In some people's world relationship is a war, you either shoot or get shot at. I hope this post helps you move and find love.


Forgiveness is a choice, and comes easy for some, but forgetting is the problem. No matter how hurt you feel, the big step to finding love again is forgiving your ex and moving on. 

You can’t keep hauling around a baggage that is years-old let it go, open your heart; whoever broke your heart is in the past. Do not take the mistake of one person on an entire gender. Stop putting every other person in the basket with your ex. Know this, no two people are same.

 There is someone nice out there for you, who will help you heal forever, but you’ll never find out if you keep pushing people away.

You might repeat same mistake if you’re taking your time

Taking your time sounds cliché, and yes it is. Sometimes being too careful might get you into making same mistake. Someone might pretend to be what they are not and in the end turn out worse than what you expect. I have seen this play out in the lives of many people. 

Try dating

Try casual dating no man is an island, and while at it give yourself a timeline; like if this does not work out within a stipulated time you'll pack up things.

Talk to someone

Some people going through this kind of things bottle it up. Talk to a trusted person you know. There is a lot of space out here than in there where it’s bottled.

its difficult for some to talk because they feel it’s shameful to let people know they fell for the wrong person, truth is with your emotions you can never tell,  these things happen without taking permission. 

Another way of healing fast is talking to a trusted person. Let it out and you’d feel better.

Love yourself

Above all, love yourself and draw the line. Sometimes we allow these things happen to us subconsciously. 

Most times we give people power to treat us the way they want because of the fear of being alone. Also don’t get comfortable in your single state, If you become too comfortable with being single you  might never be ready for any kind of relationship, and even if you start one it will be difficult for you.

Be real

To get someone to like you, you don’t have to look certain way or talk certain way. People generally are attracted to positive personality traits and people who tend to stand out by themselves.


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