4 Causes of Relationship Communication Problems

Communication in relationship is one important key that cannot be emphasized enough.We need someone to talk to; someone who understands our needs and feelings, But, in not so good way communication is still a major malfunction in relationships. The big question is; Why is communication still an issue? What exactly are we not doing right? Stick with me here as we explore some possible reasons. Men and Women Communicate Differently The truth of the matter is, men and women speak different language, see and interpret things differently, but a closer look shows they are both driving at the same thing. I have come to realize that the reason communication is still a big problem in relationships is because, couples think they hear themselves speak, but actually don't listen. Most Couples Have a Selective Perception A lot of couples are battling and will continue to with communication, because they only perceive what they desire to and ignore other view points when...