5 Ways To Help You be Your best in Relationship

Having a near perfect relationship begins with you, I use the word "near perfect" because alot of people out there believe the concept of a perfect relationship is an illusion.

The truth of the matter is, having a perfect relationship have nothing to do with you as a good person. You can be good and get put down by people you love, they fall in love with at first and then want you to become something else.

Often times, these things have little to do with the person you are with. You have to see and treat yourself in a certain way before the other person can . Below are steps on improving yourself in a relationship.

Mental pictures

It all starts in your head, imagine and create a successful picture about yourself and relationship, see yourself in control of your life, see your relationship working out well, see who you will become, do not be scared of how big all these look in  your head.

Work on your self esteem

This largely determines what happens in your life {how much you like yourself} A lot of people today  scream "self love" but in reality have zero confidence in themselves. They hate everything about themselves, and want to be like the next person.

You have to love yourself enough before it can be transferred to someone else.The truth is, how you feel about yourself is how you'll act in a relationship.

Simple ways to work on yourself esteem, repeatedly say "I like myself" before you start the day or write down things you like about yourself.

Be yourself

A lot of people have find it difficult being true to themselves especially in the early stage of relationship, this mostly to impress their partners. 

Funnily enough, when it comes to character you can only pretend for a short time before the real you jumps out. The fact of the matter is, be yourself, love and accept you the way you are.

Positive self talk

Before you can believe in your partner, you have to be able to believe in you, trust your journey, speak positively to yourself. This statement can be said out loud or inside. Change the negative voices in your head, rather learn to be your own fan.
Healthy living

Eating a healthy diet and exercising is very important. Staying healthy should be at the top of your priority list, you can't control everything, but your habits and approaches taken towards your health can often make a whole lot of difference. 

The point is, eat healthy and exercise often.


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