6 Ways to Get Over Someone You Loved

Picture Credit: CanStockPhoto.com I wrote a post some years ago about moving on from a bad breakup, and the response was impressive. Truth is, a lot of us actually find it difficult moving on after years spent with someone. A lot of people have been messed up in a way that they don't trust anyone enough to want to start a relationship with. In some people's world relationship is a war, you either shoot or get shot at. I hope this post helps you move and find love. Forgive Forgiveness is a choice, and comes easy for some, but forgetting is the problem. No matter how hurt you feel, the big step to finding love again is forgiving your ex and moving on. You can’t keep hauling around a baggage that is years-old let it go, open your heart; whoever broke your heart is in the past. Do not take the mistake of one person on an entire gender. Stop putting every other person in the basket with your ex. Know this, no two people are same. There ...