Stop The Abuse On Children

Today I read a disheartening story of a nine year old girl staying with her aunty, and got raped by their neighbour someone around reported the ordeal to the girl's aunty, first she did the right thing which was confrontation, but the man begged and offered a bribe so that his wife won't hear about it, and the aunty took the money without pressing further charges.

 Fortunately enough the same person that reported the ordeal to the girl's aunty made sure the pervert was prosecuted. While reading this the coal of resentment was burning brightly from my ends for this pervert who could not keep his hands in his pocket when it comes to little girls.

 The sad thing about this story was the girl's aunty who was supposed to protect her, and stand up for her succumbed to the temptation of 10k at the expense of the little girl's health and safety. The questions that raced through my head while reading the story were; what coud be attractive in a nine year old girl's body, and if he was scared enough of getting caught why take the risk in the first place.

What satisfaction does a man or woman derive from the bodies of these litte ones. If you really want to get satisfied there are thousands of grownups around these days ready to get down for little or no price. And the question is after involving in this how do you even look at the child's parent.

This is exactly what happens when grownups who are supposed to protect these litte ones abuse them, by making them go through so much pain and instilling the fear that when they tell their parents they'll end up being punished. There is supposed to be a strong law in place to deal with these perverts who force their ways into the genitals of children.

 It is adviceable for parents to build a strong relationship of trust with their childern from a tender age a kind of relationship where by your child is not afraid of telling you anything for the fear of being condemned or punished teach your child the ''no trespass'' body parts.

It's about time something is done about this menace, there should be a standard law put in place for the perpetrators of this inhumane act. In my opinion such persons are unstable and need psychological help. This evil is slowly ruining the lives of our next generation, and stealing away their innocence and childhood.


My thoughts

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