How To Become A Better Partner in Your Relationship


Relationships are not always easy, but it should be a ground to become a better partner.

 Life itself is a learning ground and so is relationship, no one is a champion at it, we learn from our past experiences and are still learning from the present. There is always room to learn more, and I hope these six ways of becoming a better partner helps someone learn some more.

Self Evaluation

Relationship requires work, and if you want to be a better partner, you have to observe and analyze your actions in order to improve where you're lagging. Ask yourself some important questions such as; Are you doing things that are as annoying as your partner? Are you hurting them more than you feel they're hurting you? 

By asking these questions, you might realize you're doing the exact things you complain about, the only difference being that your partner is matured enough not to whine about it.

Be Mindful of Your Words

These days, we are all dealing with endless amount of stress from virtually every areas of our life and most times its easier for us to take it out on our partners when angry, by saying things or using words we might regret.

When angry, tame your tongue, do not use harsh words, do not use words that demean your partner, if they respect you enough not to call you names in the middle of a heated argument, then you shouldn't.

Discuss disagreement in a healthy way without yelling.

Listen More

Listen to what they are saying and the unsaid things. Sometimes its not what is said, but what is held back. It is important you find the meaning behind words and actions they try so hard to hide. 

It might  surprise you that your partner is aching in a certain way or truamatized from past experience, and if you don't ask why he/she repeats a certain behavior you might never know.


Relationship basically entails sacrifice, giving up things for the good of the relationship. Whatever it is you do and you realize causes turbulence in the "ship" it is important to drop it.


When wrong apologize. Having a steel heart that doesn't acknowledge your wrong is unhealthy. It is even worst when you try to justify your actions when you hurt your partner.

One important way of becoming a better person is acknowledging your wrong.

Spend Time Together

Spending time together is very crucial to every relationship. Make it a point to try to check in everyday and show affection that is if you're both busy people. 

Spend at least five hours doing things you both enjoy doing together, when you get to see. This will help in making your "ship" sail strong. While together remember, to affirm your love for each other, do not hold back how you feel.


Anonymous said…
Very helpful tips.
Anonymous said…
Nice, just learnt
Anonymous said…
I'vI've been with my girl for over a year now, nice girl and I realised I've been taking out my stress out on her. I have to start doing right by her. Thanks Eneazi

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