Never Beg For Love

There was this guy who asked me out during my undergraduate days in the University he would have been any girl's dream man, but not mine. From my first to final year, and even after graduation he kept asking and got the same reply a huge 'NO' but brother was not having it, and saw me as a cold stone ice queen. He became persistent as the years rolled by and got same old reply. A few years ago he was forward about what he wanted; something serious that would last a life time, and how he would like us to start a family and grow old together, well I told him it was not going to work out that I have never felt what he felt, and did not see myself sharing that emotion in the nearest future he started begging and was on the verge of crying, but I made him understand that even If I were to accept his proposal he would never be a happy man, and love was a strong emotion to beg for or compel, and if not careful someone might take advantage of his emotion and hurt him. I ma...