6 Signs He Is Ready To Settle Down

Have you been dating this man for awhile now and you're itching to take it to the next level, well you know you have been ready to get married for as long as you can remember, and finally feel like you met the one person that understands you, can deal with your excesses, support you and can make all your dreams come true there's only one question is he ready? Sometimes actions speak louder than words maybe your man hasn't straighten up to asking you yet, but here are some few signs that he is thinking about it.

Proud of the woman you are

If he asks for your help, and seeks your assistance in organising things this is because he trust you, if he confides in you and ask for your advice on decision he makes it because he values your opinion and take you seriously, if he tells and shows  you he is your #1 fan, no matter the struggle with your career, shows you off to friends and like to talk about what you do, and your achievements to whoever cares to listen it shows he is super proud of you and wants you in his life forever.

He makes you his priority
Most times we think prioritizing someone has to do with spending more time and money on them, but it's beyond all that. If he puts your needs above every other thing, keeps note of every important dates in your life from birthdays to anniversaries, and he is all about more actions not just words trust me he is thinking of taking the relationship to a greater level.  

Spends more time with you
He seeks any opportunity to be around you and will rather spend free time from work with you. Also on special holidays he would rather spend an entire day discussing, planning for the future or hanging out with you in your favourite places than being anywhere else. This is a sign that he is waiting for the right moment to make you his forever.

Introduces to every important person
Once he starts introducing you to every closest person to him its because you have become a very important part of his life, and he wants others to see the beauty and hapinness you bring to his life, besides he knows what he is getting himself into by making you tag along to every hangouts with his friends. This is a sign.


If your man is ready to sacrifice his needs, self interest, give up an addiction, and ready to commit to you just to make you happy it means he wants something deeper with you, and he wants to see you happy, but that does not mean you manipulate him to get your way. In as much as he is ready to sacrifice his needs for your happiness it is advisable you do same.

He opens up to you

For most men emotional intimacy is one very difficult thing, so if he is spilling it all, telling you everything this is not because he likes to hear himself talk, but want to leave no stone unturned for the best of relationship, and want you to know what you're really commiting yourself to.


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