6 Ways To Make Your Man Miss You

Memories shared together is what binds most couples, and this has contributed in creating internal desires. It doesn't matter if you're in a relationship, trying to get that special man's attention or winning your ex back after things 'went left' with you two. These six ways below will make him miss you like crazy.

1) Be Supportive

It's a known fact that guys are supposed to be the strength in relationship, the makers, doers and all. It's important to show him how strong you are, how good a listener you are on issues related to his life and career show him, remind him that you know he'll figure things out. Support his dreams, his hustles, and he'll miss you like crazy.

2) Be mysterious

Everyone of us enjoys a good mystery and your guy is of no difference. If your goal is to make him miss your presence, then you don't have to share your life history at once allow him to discover  new things about you every day. Trust me guys unconsciously like a little mystery they don't want to know everything about you immediately, be spontaneous, unpredictable, adventurous. Men like to stray when they are bored so keep him on his toes and interested, he'll definitely miss you when you're not around.

3)  Look good

We all know guys are visual creatures there's nothing that's going to make him miss you more than looking good. If you always look good he'll be up all night wondering what you'll wear on your next date, and with that you're stuck in his head. The clothes need not be expensive, but should be clean and accentuate your body enough to leave him drooling each time he sees you.

4)  Compliment him

Do not be selfish with it let your man know he is desirable and attractive to you by complimenting him. You can focus on complimenting a special skill of his, when he does even the least thing compliment his strength, effort, and his looks too. Appreciate his effort for coming to pick you after work, helping you out with that project, taking your car to the mechanic. His little effort should not go unappreciated when he does something good.

5) Find a scent

Have you ever caught a scent of something and a particular person comes to mind? yeah! happens to me all the time it can be the lightest smell that brings back a lot of memories. For most of us certain smells will always be associated to different memories. If you want him to miss you- be sure to wear that personal scent anytime you see him. Each time the smell hits his nose you'll definitely come to mind.

6)  Avoid making yourself available

Absence makes the heart grow fonder so trust me when I say this is the most efficient way to make him miss you like crazy, the time you spend apart provide him the opportunity to evaluate your worth. Though it's normal when you're in love you tend to spend every spare time together, but the truth is he can't miss you when you're present at all time, give him space. Avoid chatting, texting him at every single opportunity, take an hour to reply his chat or text with the excuse that you were busy at work, doing a chore, hanging out with friends. Let him wonder whether you'll reply his messages, calls or not. Let him debate within himself if  he should get you out of his head or not this is the best way to keep him thinking about you.


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