The Proposal

Emem stepped into the deserted street at about 10:45pm, and regretted staying that late at the fashion house, at about that second her phone began to ring uncontrollably, who could be calling at this odd hour when she was trying to get herself home unharmed she thought, she was too scared to pick the call paradventure someone crawls from behind, as she skilfully opened her handbag and peeped to see who the caller was, fortunately enough just the right person to bail her out, as she wrapped her scarf round her head and neck using her earpiece to recieve the call
  'Emem where are you?'. The exact salutation she had expected
   'Uhmm..just closing' she said waiting for an outburst
    'What?!' He brayed.
    'Is your car still at the mechanic? anyway where ever you are go back to where humans are and I will come get you.'
    'Okay' she said too scared to protest.

She had met Tayo at the Mangu orientation camp in Plateau State. He was the most fun loving, blunt person she had ever met and thanks to him adapting to life in the north central region of the country was easy after spending her entire life in the south south. After their service year their friendship waxed strong and eight years down the lane Tayo was doing well in his career as a medical doctor. He had been there for her after her break up from her long time boyfriend, to when she started her cloth line when every other person felt she was making a mistake dumping her career as a Lab Scientist for Fashion Design she thought, but today she had upgraded the label to the exact level she wanted attending big fashion shows in the country. She needs to stop troubling him she thought.

Tayo knew the drive from his Asokoro residence to Durban Street would take fifteen minutes, as his thoughts wondered back to Emem she was probably trying to finish one of her designs again. He had met her during the one year compulsory National Youth Service eight years ago, and her beauty which has gotten better with years had attracted her to him from afar, when he was able to talk to her, her intelligence, sarcasm got him, she was the kind of girl who kept you on your toes, and a minute spent with her means turning on your intellectual antenna, and had been a big support system contributing immensely in making him the man he is today. He opened the glove compartment and brought out a ring box he had had for two years now, he knew he had to try again she was undeniably the missing puzzle piece of his life. He knew his action was going to give her something to laugh about.

Tayo drove to where she was, it was drizzling again, and she was a sight to behold as she rushed into the car.
  'You shouldn't have bothered' said Emem smiling hoping the words would stop him from giving one of his sermons on the danger of staying late at work, to her delight he simply replied
   'You're welcome'

Instead of driving her home he took her to her favourite restuarant she had fallen in love with their beautifully cooked cuisines using traditional fresh herbs and spices. He knew the place would be deserted at this time of the night. Emem was too tired to ask and on seeing the restuarant sign post realized how hungry she was. When she was settled and the waiter had taken her order she smiled at how one could never get enough of their top notch customer service. Tayo struggled with himself to get the box out of his pocket, but his mouth was too excited and spoke before consulting his hands.
  'Marry me'
   'Excuse me?' Ignoring her question he gave a speech on how he didn't want to lose her.
  'We need to go on a date first' She said
   'Okay I can handle that', said Tayo hopefully as she broke into a laugh and almost fell off her chair    'Well that was expected'. He murmured.


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