8 Dos and Don'ts Of A First Date

Planning a first date can be daring. You want to plan your date to make sure you have a great time. Finally, the day is here and you feel prepared to go win yourself a heart, and keep it. Your expectations are high no doubt. First let's take a minute to look at the dos and don'ts of a first date.

1.  Do look good it is better to be over dressed than look sloppy.

Do not forget to smell nice, remember first impression go a long way.

2.  Do stay positive if you enter the date doubting your self worth or feeling defeated those feelings  will carry throughout the night.

Do not bring previous dating experience that did not go well, rather focus on what you can learn than dwelling on the negativity.

3.  Do have an engaging conversation, though for some people especially the quiet ones this could be the most daring part of the date.

Do not tell your whole story a little mystery is advice here.

4.  Do ask questions if he/she shares something about themselves or ask questions always reply back a similar story or asking same question.

Do not make yourself the center of the discussion.

5.  Do have an open mind by showing interest in what your date thinks about a topic.

Do not be too judgemental.

6.  Do try to listen to what they are saying.

Do not let your poor listening skill ruin the date.

7.  Do show interest in topics that come up. A little curiosity will get you far, ask questions.

Do not let your mind wander off in the middle of the conversation.

8.  Do split the bills.

Do not allow the other person pick the bill that attitude is of past decades.


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