Help Mate Or Dependant

The holy book made us understand that a wife is supposed to be her husband's help mate and not 100% dependant  on him for everything...that is to say where he is lacking you're to fill in as a wife. Its shocking to see women of this generation totally dependant on their husband not having any means of additional income, when hubby is broke the entire family is broke which in my opinion is totally wrong.

You need to hear married women complain of not having a phone to call or  having airtime to make calls and all...these are little things that you can take care of without  your man's help. A super woman in my opinion has her own thing going on for her, even if the husband provides for the family she helps out by surprising  the husband and children to treats once in a while, and doesn't depend on him for everything.. (down to toiletries and undis). I'm not saying it's wrong for a man to take responsibility of his home, but maybe a little help would be welcome.

Have you ever thought that maybe if you had a job, that vacation you have fantasized about for years would have been possible or that beautiful shoe, bag, and dress you saw at the mall would have been yours without saving for months from the money you  are given for family upkeep? My point here is get a job, start a small business, invest in that passion of yours, learn a skill.

YES! I know there are men who are capable of providing abundantly for their families, but in this world we live in it is better to be secured (doing your thing). Think of this you were dependant on your parents all through childhood, teen and a good part of adulthood, and now in marriage you still want to be dependant on your husband? Come on! What morals on independent and  hard work will you pass to your children.


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