Before Saying "I Do"

It's another Saturday, another day of the week to play dress up well, before you go struggling to catch the bouquet with a hundred other single ladies at a wedding reception, and using all the tricks in your little book to get him propose to you before the end of the 2019. Here are some few honest questions you need to ask yourself.

Does he accept you for who you are? Do you fight and argue over everything? Can you be yourself without being criticised around him? Because there are a lot of people that have become a shadow of themselves after jumping on the wagon without thinking.

Does he accept your opinions? Is he judgemental about the way you look? Does he share the same interest with you? The thing here is you might love good music, movies, books and might be an adventurous  person who loves to see the world, use the little you have to feed the less privileged, but he sees all these as a waste of good time and resources.

Does he question your beliefs? Does he question your association? Does he make fun of your body size by comparing you to other girls? He thinks you are not smart enough when every other person thinks you are a genius. Is he ashamed of you in public? Is he supportive of your dreams? Is he controlling in nature?

If the answers to these questions is not satisfactory to your mind, then its about time you have a rethink because your happiness is non negotiable.


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