
She recalled the first time he came to her room, her mother had been away for some women conference, and she had gone to bed a bit late because of her home work and was barely asleep when she heard a tap on the door, when she opened it he stepped in, she was surprised, confused and frightened seeing him in her room that late. He immediately pushed her to the bed, and started caressing her with his face in her neck and his other hand between her thighs
"don't worry you won't feel any pain"
 he said in a hoarse voice. She tried fighting and pushing him away, but his body felt solid against hers, she was tired of struggling and lay rigidly with her eyes squeezed shut, determined not to let them open with the tears flowing steadily as her heart pounded.

When he was satisfied he stood up and told her sternly
"if you tell anyone about this I'll kill your mother and younger sister".
 When she had tried to move her legs It was moist and slippery. She had cried that night, as several thoughts flowed through her mind in a slow motion; she was only ten, was she going to get pregnant? She thought of telling her mother when she returned, but his threat was all that rang in her head. When her tears was spent, she got out her journal, her journal had been a place to reveal her childish feelings and thoughts that where easier unspoken, though she had not written anything in a while. When her mother returned she was too scared to reveal what her stepfather had done to her.

As the years rolled by the visit became more frequent and each time after satisfying his animal lust gave her a pill to take, and leaving her with more threats. She had ran away, but was found and brought back by her mother. She was fifteen now and could take care of herself, but her fear was for her little sister she was barely her age before he stole her innocence away, and she was not letting her sister go through same.

As part of her plan she had refused sleeping in her room after she was brought back, and moved into her younger sister's room, but on this day after the usual morning devotion she raised her voice loud enough for all to hear that she was returning to her 'precious room', and by the look on his face she knew he fell for it. She remembered that evening at the church service how he had asked the choir to sing his favourite song before giving the sermon.

"This is the day that the Lord has made
I will rejoice and be glad in it"

She knew her face was a sight to behold; as she sang the song piously, rocking back and forth on her seat like a new convert. After the service he had remained behind to attend to people who wanted to see him, and her mother had driven herself and her sister home as she wondered why her mother had to remarry after her father's death, and why she had to take up the disgusting animal's last name.

She would always thank God and all her departed ancestors as he slipped into her room that night. She had given up all hope that he was going to make his usual visit. Thinking fast; she felt underneath her pillow for what was needed, she was going to make it fast and wish he would feel the pain she had felt all these years, but on a second thought decided not to use the blade, and taking control started teasing him, he was surprised and held her tightly releasing a loud groan, and shuddering wildly then shutting his eyes, at that moment she used the spare pillow on his face as he was not expecting it, using all her strength fuelled with the anger of the past five years she suffocated him, he struggled for a minute then he was still.

Eventually she rolled off him peeling her damp clothes from his body as she dragged his lifeless body to the floor, and bumped his head hard on the wall, living him in the pull of his own blood. She had been terrified, but had survived. She felt a little proud of her accomplishment, if that is what one could call it. With a smile on her face she stepped out screaming as loud as she could waking up her mother and every other person in the house.


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