3 Things Every Woman Need in a Relationship

Contrary to popular opinion, a woman's needs are a handful and can be met by her man. Though, these needs take different forms at every stages of her life bringing about misconception of women and their needs. However, if I am allowed to make a conservative estimate I would say these 3 things below are a fundamental at every stage, and most importantly a relationship, so if you want a happy woman and relationship below is your guide.


Every woman needs love. She wants to be loved unconditionally, and reminded about how you feel about her I mean that in every sense of the world.

Women are wired to love unconditionally, but the truth is women most times are not sure they are truely loved especially by their partners/spouses. This has nothing to do with being secured with who they are. It is how they are wired.

The woman is more apt to show how she feel, and expect the same from her man. The point is show her how you feel with your words and actions. It is important to note that affection does not only include the constant use of the four letter words 'love' compliment is part of it too.


Women love to talk. They are masters of the art. Sadly, men shutdown or stonewall their women, when there is a need for a conversation.

Women love to talk about everything from trivial to important. This is one way they feel connected to their men, and it's one of the ways they maintain their central role in achieving a functional relationship.

Women are responsive and expressive in nature than men, that is why when there is a problem in the relationship she feels the need to talk about it and arrive at a possible solution. In the nutshell with women communication is key.


Every woman who has been in a relationship, or venturing into one feels the need for her man to protect and provide for her no matter how successful she is. The man need to take his role as the protector.

A recent study, shows a huge percentage of women prefer their men reliable not indecisive, or easily influenced by things around. All the woman need is a man she can be herself and emotionally safe with.


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