Journey to Self Discovery! Taking Responsibility for your Actions

The first step to self discovery is taking responsibility for your actions. The best of us are stuck in a particular position because we have refused to take responsibility for whatsoever we are going through, we tend to blame our partners, parents, siblings, friends, colleagues and children for our wrong choices. And refuse to own our setbacks as stemming from us.

We blame our unhappiness in relationship on our partner, our stagnant career on our boss, financial instability on the country’s economy, children for taking away our social life, and nag about not given a bigger stage to showcase our talents, throwing blames around, but leaving the person who deserve to be questioned and blamed ‘ourselves.' The truth is, growth cannot come from shifting blames to others.

The fact of the matter is, we are given a living space on earth for a reason; to make a difference, standout, to impact lives and change the world by leaving a mark so that when we take our last breath our stories can be told to generations no matter how little it is, and this cannot be achieved by throwing stones.

It is therefore important to note that the roadmap to success is taking responsibility for where you are, own your mistake. Constant shifting of blame might make you feel better for a while but it will not change your situation.

The most important key to success, peace, growth, happiness in every area of life is self awareness, taking full responsibility for things, and come to terms with the fact that you have suppressed your potentials, and watch your life take a new course.


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