4 Major Causes of Relationship Conflict

         Image credit: istockphoto

You and your partner seem to have so much in common before you started dating. Now pressure of life has dealt you both, making you feel more like cell mates than soul mates.

 Several times you’ve stayed up wake trying to piece together where the difference is really coming from. Not to worry I’ve listed some identifiable things causing strain in your relationship below.

Reality sets in

The daily routine of work and financial setback and dealing with life in general can chip a way at a good relationship, bringing about unexpected problems that can strain a relationship.

Irreconcilable differences

At the early stage of relationship people tend to overlook differences. 

Once the relationship becomes serious couples begin to discover how unalike they are in several ways such as the area of communication, problem solving and finance management. Differences that once were ignored become unacceptable.

Emotional distant

Over time tension build up from words or actions and other unresolved conflict can cause couples to withdraw emotionally or form emotional attachment to someone else.

Unrealistic expectation

Some people start a relationship believing they have met the person of their dreams. 

While that notion may seem romantic, it can be a recipe for a fight, and as soon as crisis arise these couples forget all they have imagined, leaving both feeling like they made a mistake.


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