
6 Signs you're the Selfish Partner

Relationships should be a 50/50 split where both partners meet in the middle, taking and giving equally. But if you're exclusively concerned about yourself and have zero regards for your partner's needs it becomes negative and psychologically unhealthy. Being the selfish one means you receive without giving in return, and think your partner needs you more than you need them. The purpose of this post is to help you turn the tide around and focus on your partner's emotions and needs if you're the self absorbed one in your 'ship.'  With no delay let's dig into it. Below are six signs you're the selfish partner. You're Unaware of your   Partner's   Needs In order for balance to exist in any relationship, it is important you pay attention to your partner's needs, but in a situation where you consistently put your needs ahead of your partner's and expect them to constantly do things for you, there is bound to be a problem. The po...

6 Ways to Get Over Someone You Loved

     Picture Credit: I wrote a post some years ago about moving on from a bad breakup, and the response was impressive. Truth is, a lot of us actually find it difficult moving on after years spent with someone.  A lot of people have been messed up in a way that they don't  trust anyone enough to want to start a relationship with. In some people's world relationship is a war, you either shoot or get shot at. I hope this post helps you move and find love. Forgive Forgiveness is a choice, and comes easy for some, but forgetting is the problem. No matter how hurt you feel, the big step to finding love again is forgiving your ex and moving on.  You can’t keep hauling around a baggage that is years-old let it go, open your heart; whoever broke your heart is in the past. Do not take the mistake of one person on an entire gender. Stop putting every other person in the basket with your ex. Know this, no two people are same.  There ...

4 Major Causes of Relationship Conflict

          Image credit: istockphoto You and your partner seem to have so much in common before you started dating. Now pressure of life has dealt you both, making you feel more like cell mates than soul mates.  Several times you’ve stayed up wake trying to piece together where the difference is really coming from. Not to worry I’ve listed some identifiable things causing strain in your relationship below. Reality sets in The daily routine of work and financial setback and dealing with life in general can chip a way at a good relationship, bringing about unexpected problems that can strain a relationship. Irreconcilable differences At the early stage of relationship people tend to overlook differences.  Once the relationship becomes serious couples begin to discover how unalike they are in several ways such as the area of communication, problem solving and finance management. Differences that once were ignored become unacceptable. Emotional ...

Tips: Ways to Get Pass Relationship Problems

       Image credit: Relationships come in different sizes and shapes and all with its peculiar problems. Sometimes it’s easy to forget the good times and be overwhelmed with the problem.  It will be another cliche shot to say some differences between couples cannot be resolved. That almost perfect relationship you desire is attainable, all it takes is if you recognize your problem and find a way pass it. Focus on your partner’s good qualities This can be a difficult task especially if things have been rough in the relationship. An easy way to achieve this is; write down things you like about them.  Keep the list, memorize it or save in your mobile phone and regularly refer to the list as a reminder of why you are with them.  Focusing on the positive qualities of your partner helps you put up with your differences. Spend time together Remember how you both loved to spend time doing things you love together when you start...

Tips: Effective Ways to Improve Communication in Relationship

.               Image credit: Shutterstock As humans our need for communication is very high. The level of communication between a man and a woman either make or break the relationship. I realized the reason why communication is still a major problem in relationship is because couples think they hear themselves speak, but actually don’t listen, that is why even with hundreds of thousands books and audios on communication it is still a major problem in relationships. Communication between couples should be easy; it is wrong to get tensed anytime you wish to bring something that bothers you to the notice of your partner. Your conversation should flow natural and be a way you connect with yourselves. But to achieve this you’d need to work on yourself especially if you have a partner who is difficult to communicate with. Tone is Important One key element of communication is tone; it is the foundation where the message is laid on. Your tone conv...

How the Smartphone is Gradually Ruining your Relationship

One device that is a most have in our time is the mobile phone. Gone are the days when people flaunt the flip phones or phones with analog antennas. In recent times, people’s preferences have shifted to the Samsung and Iphones due to the  class associated with them.   Two of the trendiest of these devices right now is the Galaxy S21Pro and Apple Iphone 12 Pro Max. Both Tech-savvy individuals and those with zero knowledge of how technology works, are drawn to their extraordinary features as well as wowed by their amazing specs such as; the Iphone’s Stainless steel frame, 120H2 pro motion displays and Higher-end photography options and the Samsung’s first internally Snap dragon 888 processor, compass, Dual pixel PDAF. These fearures enable them to keep in touch with friends and followers on social media. But a downside is behind the sophistication of these devices are a gazillion problems it poses unknowingly to relationships. Diminish Physical Interaction Whether in...

Journey to Self Discovery! Taking Responsibility for your Actions

The first step to self discovery is taking responsibility for your actions. The best of us are stuck in a particular position because we have refused to take responsibility for whatsoever we are going through, we tend to blame our partners, parents, siblings, friends, colleagues and children for our wrong choices. And refuse to own our setbacks as stemming from us. We blame our unhappiness in relationship on our partner, our stagnant career on our boss, financial instability on the country’s economy, children for taking away our social life, and nag about not given a bigger stage to showcase our talents, throwing blames around, but leaving the person who deserve to be questioned and blamed ‘ourselves.' The truth is, growth cannot come from shifting blames to others. The fact of the matter is, we are given a living space on earth for a reason; to make a difference, standout, to impact lives and change the world by leaving a mark so that when we take our last breath our s...