I read 'Sixteenth Round' by Robin 'Hurricane' Carter (true story) in the book 'hate, injustice caused Mr. Hurricane 20 years of his life (spent behind bars as a prisoner because he was framed up for murders he did not commit) but, he was saved by the friendship of a young boy. It made me realize that in life there are no coincidence, everything was designed to work according to the laws of nature. Following the story, and how he was mistreated, it would have been expected of him to be bitter, filled with hate and revenge, and looked down on the young boy by underestimating his friendship, (after several appeals to his case was negated) but he didn't and that friendship bought him his freedom. My point in the opening story is that whatever situation you are in, whatever you are going through don’t give up, do not underestimate the strength of anyone, do not throw away the little help that could be your key to freedom. Nothing happens by chanc...