Don't be Defined by Your Relationship Status

You know that feeling you get on the first few days of a too tight weave when you can't sleep peacefully, but find yourself restless with every feature of your face hurting, and when you go out people compliment you on how beautiful you look, but deep down you're hurting, and find it difficult going through the process of taking it off. Well most people in relationships\marriages feel that way they are stuck but don't seem to find their way out. Unhappy behind closed doors, but in public, and on social media live the illusion of a perfect marriage and relationship while crying on the inside.

Behind the PDAs, pet names, gifts exchange is a horrible story you don't know about. And all you do is sit there trying every possible means to have what this person is portraying on social media, comparing your near perfect relationship to the next person's empty relationship, and putting a great pressure on your partner.

The funny thing is most people are so scared of being alone, and will do anything to be in a relationship, but the truth is for the fact you're alone doesn't mean you are lonely it should be a time for you to rediscover yourself, get your priorities right. What you don't know is most of these people you compare yourself or relationship to silently wish to be you, to experience the  freedom of being out of the''ship''.

My point is don't be defined by your relationship status, love yourself hard, treat yourself with respect, stop undermining yourself, make a better person out of yourself, there are many possibilities for you as a single. Be a''wonder woman''give Gal Gadot a run for her money, and the right person will come around.


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