How To Make Your Long Distance Relationship Work

Being hundreds of miles away from one's partner can be quite frustrating trust me coming from someone who has been in a long distance relationship don't ask (LOL). Most people are scared of long distance relationship especially those with trust issues making their  blood pressures dance just by thinking of what mischief their partners are up to. If you just met someone and have taken a shine to them, but you live in different cities or countries here is the good news your romance can work out just fine trust me just as every rose has its thorn so does every relationship, but if you can adhere to this tips you'll be just fine.


 Actually for  any relationship not just a long distance relationship to work out you need trust. Trusting someone means you feel physically and emotionally secured with them, and for your partner to trust you it means they can rely on you at anytime no matter the situation, but it can be quite  difficult with the insecured ones who focus on whether their partners are faithful enough this trust can be built when you are honest and caring. Trust needs openess, you must learn not to keep secrets and be open from the onset. Secrets no mater how little it is ruins relationship talk about your past to present with your partner. Regardless of your distance avoid temptation let go of every negativity and hurt from your past relationship don't get all sneaky because of the miles between you.


The number one tool for any long distance relationship to work out is communication. If you ask me I'd say its the most vital tip especially since you won't be seeing each other on a daily basis it's important to establish emotional connection through frequent communication. Talk about the important to trivial things (your differences, challenges, dreams, childhood, future, what happened during the day, your look for the day e.t.c) keep up with your partner through phone calls, video calls, chats, emails, skype e.t.c. Work around your schedule if you know you are going to be busy communicate let your parther know. Don't hold back if you feel hurt, and disrespected by your partner's decisions or opinions talk about it.


When it comes to relationship as we all know it is important to respect your partner's emotions it's enough being separated from your partner by distance, but does not mean you grow cold and turn hot and expect your partner to keep up. Work on your schedule if you are going to be tied up let your partner know about it sometimes emotions can be misconstrued because of the distance try to stay in touch as often don'get iced locked with work and other activities by shutting your partner out emotionally. 


Make out time as often as possible to see each other  as your schedule permits what's the saying again? Yes! ''out of sight is out of mind'' make a plan for the next visit as soon as one ends face to face conversation is important for a healthy relationship. Visiting should't be restricted to one person remember you are partners cruising on the same ship surprise visits works just fine *wink*.


Long distance should not be a barrier when it comes to gifts I believe gifts shouldn't be exchanged on birthdays and anniversaries alone, but should be a way of communicating your feelings to each other over the distance. Supporting each other no matter the distance is the greatest gift you can offer your partner it is important to make yourself available for your partner through difficult times.

Hope this tips works for you.


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