How To Tell If Your Dream Girl Is Into You

Brothers only!!!..In this world we live with the whole drama around it's actually difficult in today's society to tell when a girl is into you when she actually thinks of you as just a ''friend'' or a ''cool'' guy. There have been many post from people who do not really understand the woman's mind on ''how to tell if she's really into you'' i read somewhere that it's been scientifically proven that when a guy likes a girl he'll look into her eyes, but when a girl likes a guy she'll look away i don't think this theory is totally true remember there are shy girls who find it awkward looking into people's eyes you might end up getting a wrong impression i'm just saying. So are you hoping a special girl likes you, but don't know how to tell if she's really into you?  Are you looking for give away signs to tell if she thinks about you? What does it mean when she laughs at your dumb jokes..this few signs might just be the answers to your questions.

She likes spending most of her time with you, and seeks you out to talk to when the party breaks out, giggles at almost everything and nothing you say, and opens up to you about anything bothering her  which you know she doesn't usually talk about. She prefers spending time talking with you, calls and chats you when she's bored or in need of someone to talk to about anything investing most of her time in you-when she could be doing other things.

 Gets uncomfortable, and there's a sudden interruption to her activity as soon as she sees you, stays quiet when in a group that engage you in a conversation, while nodding and smiling at whatever you have to say even if its the most unintelligent thing, and follows you on social media, and likes your post, posting stuff and tagging you.

Accuse you of being distant this is another way of telling you she wish you communicate more, open up more about things to her, she secretly wish you were closer..remember she can't be asking that of a person she considers just a friend, she desires you were more friendlier than just friends, and begins to share your interest all of a sudden start watching your favorite TV show, sports, listen to your kind of music, and use some of your favorite lines.

If she brings up her relationship status every time you're interacting (that is if she's single) this is another way of telling she is ready to take a chance with you, but if she is in a relationship and talks about things her partner do she is not happy about or talk about their quarrels, how she's gradually falling out of love with him, and sometimes comparing your personality to the guy it shows she wants out of the relationship. If she reacts when she sees you flirting with other girls or just slip away so she doesn't have to watch this here is a sign brother.

 She compliments you and at the same time pick on you politely as much as she likes you she can be your nightmare, but all that comes from a place of complete fondness for you.


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