Misconceptions About Today's Woman

I saw a post that said ''90% of women have nothing to offer if you remove sex from relationship, and 90% of women have nothing to offer if you remove money from relationship''. In my opinion I'd say that is the most demeaning, offensive, biased post of all times.

The funny thing about this post was that brothers liked, commented and shared it even when a good number of them have been blessed with supportive partners.

For the fact that a small percentage of the women you've come across exhibit a particular trait does not give you room to generalize. There are women who contribute immensely to the growth of relationships, 90% of the moral, spiritual, emotional contributions come from women.

My point is just because you had bad experiences does not give you the room to use such a huge percentage in expressing your bitterness. There are  independent strong, upright sisters in relationships not for these two things mentioned above.

There are women who take care of  their men, and stand by them through all the storms of life and I am proud to let you know that the percentage exceeds 10%. When it comes to relationship I believe men and women bring a lot of things uniquely to the table that help build a beautiful relationship.


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