7 Ways To Move On After A Bad Breakup
Breakup comes in all shapes and sizes, some are mild and painless while some just knock you down like the love you once felt. Sometimes you just need time to heal that wound. Most of us intrinsically understand that not all relationship are meant to last forever, while some of us find ourselves going back and forth with exes that have hurt us and still hurting us. If its been months and you're feeling like you want to call your ex or checkout his Facebook account to see how fast he has gotten over you and moved on, my advice don't do it, not to worry here are some tips that will certainly help heal that wound called a heart.
Let go of the fantasy If you really desire to totally move on you have to let go of the fantasy that your partner might come running back to you it might have worked for someone else when they broke up, came back and lived happily ever after. Avoid putting yourself through that misery, because you'll only hurt yourself more. Think of it this way if your ex is strong enough not to want anything to do with you then you are stronger.
Stop being too hard on yourself Self pity is allowed once in a while, allow yourself to cry because if you don't, you'll repress your feelings until you break down at the most inappropriate place, stop blaming yourself for what happened. Give yourself sufficient time to mourn the relationship and stop feeling bad about yourself. Be kind to yourself try to move past the "it's my fault" to "I did my best". And the world will begin to notice how fun you are to be with.
Forgive Before you can even think of adhering to other tips you need to help you forget about your ex, you need to forgive him. Avoid trying to take revenge on him, forgiveness is the only key to recovery, forgive whatever he did to you its not worth getting him in trouble at work, before his family and friends, and before his beau. Don't spread rumours about him, don't stalk him, don't attack him in anyway let go of the negativity it only ties you to something you'd rather move on from--the best revenge is for you forgiving, moving on, and feeling better about yourself .
Cut all ties with your ex It takes emotional intelligence to accept the "cut off all contact" as suggested by everyone who has a piece of advice to give about moving on. My point limit the chance of making such mistakes of contacting your ex as much as possible; it means don't try your ex's number, if it means blocking him on all your social media handles so be it. If you really want to heal and move on it means cutting him off no matter how difficult it is- even when you're tempted to hear his voice don't do it. Get rid of things that constantly reminds you of him.
Avoid posting on social media Do not air your grieve on social media because it has not helped anyone, and it is no good. In my opinion stop sharing how much hurt you feel, and avoid posting things that link you back to your ex or indirectly aim at your ex it might be embarrassing later.
Find a new hobby Indulge yourself in new activities- even if you did most of the things you called fun with him in the past. Master that new skill that you have always wanted to do; try something to take your mind off your heart break, something that will open you to new opportunities -take this as a cue to discover new fun places in your city that you haven't visited, start the programme you have been procrastinating, discover new artist and entertainment option that you can enjoy on your own.
Hang out meet new people In order to move on from your partner you have to remember he is not the only man on the planet there are lots of men out there who wish to have someone as good as you. No matter how you feel, you have to go out meet new people, if you stay inside, with all the memories as reminders you'll make yourself feel worse. Do not push people that are nice to you away just because one person was dumb enough to let you go. Allow yourself to be flirted with.