How To Tell If You're In An Abusive Relationship

People have different definition of what should be and what shouldn't depending on their perception about relationship. When it comes to relationship I strongly believe there are lines that shouldn't be crossed. Relationship in general should be about trust, respect, and freedom to be yourself in the relationship. If you're not really sure of what counts as abuse I'd suggest you follow your guts your safety is the number one priority, but if you're still confused here are some few signs to help you.


If your partner stalks you by texting or calling you all the time and expects instant response, and is always checking your social media handle in a way that gives you goosebumps and make you uncomfortable, and requires an explanation for everything. If he keeps track of you even when you haven't made plans to be together this here is a sign. There is a difference between an obsessed person and one who cares.


If your partner want to know who you're with, what you're doing at a particular time. If he is over demanding and want you to look a particular way, tells you who and who not to keep on your friend list gets uncomfortable when you receive compliments from opposite sex. If you feel frightened whenever you're alone, and maybe you feel convinced that he could be dangerous to your happines because of his controlling nature this is definitely a warning sign.


Criticism to some extent is very much welcome besides who is best to put you on the right track if you're derailing if not your partner, but if your partner does that to belittle you, make you feel ashamed of who you, and proceeds to insult you quietly and is your tormentor, if your partner makes you to lose the confidence that once fuelled you at the beginning of the relationship because of his criticism then this is a major sign.


If your opinion does not count in the relationship and you're denied the opportunity to speak your mind in matters and makes you feel you're duty bound to respect his needs and opinions no matter what. If he get angry unnecessarily, and raise his voice when it's uncalled for or has tried to hit you. This my friend is a sign.

Never Sorry

If your partner is someone that hardly accepts his fault, he is never wrong for anything he does and believes he is always right,  and expects you to apologise even when he is wrong that is a sign.


My thoughts

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