7 Signs You're With The Wrong Person

A friend who recently went through a bad breakup after being in a relationship for five years  said she realized the nights she spent awake crying over her man was more than the fun, happy time they had together, though she noticed they were not quite compatible along the line, but  thought she could fix things, make them better. She told me something that stuck, that if she had been able to tell herself the truth at the beginning she wouldn't have gone through the pain of a bad breakeup. My point is most times the signs that we are not compatible with our partners are there glaring at us, but we choose to ignore them telling ourselves that if we can put in extra work things will be just fine. These seven signs will help you find your way.

1) You can't be yourself

The biggest mistake most people make in relationships is becoming someone else just to make the relationship work. If you're with someone who frequently criticise you for being you, criticise you for what you do more than receiving a pat on the back this is definite red flag and it means you're not right for each other-  love shouldn't make us pretend to be who we're not, love is supposed to bring out the best in us, make us bigger not smaller, retrieve our self confidence and not murder it.

2) You  disagree on everything

A little conflict is not bad in fact it is healthy for the growth of the relationship, besides no relationship is perfect, but when the fights and disagreement becomes a daily thing there is a problem. If you find yourself barely coming to an agreement over the smallest issue with your partner it's a red flag.

3) One person is the center

Most times we think making the other person 'Lord or Mistress', and the center of our existence is the best way for things to work perfectly. Sometimes we give up who we really are and what we stand for just for the peace of the relationship putting in our best for it to work  while our partner seem less concerned about the growth of the relationship. Relationship should be a team work, joint effort where it is beneficial to all and not just one person.

4) The sex is good but..

Usually when we're with someone we crave Affection, great sex, holding hands, and being told we are sexy, most times we get it all, well minus what we truely desire 'Affection' there is that feeling of disconnection after the 'good sex' nothing to talk about, no shared interest, dreams. If this happens it's a definite sign.

5) You don't miss your partner when apart

It is normal to miss your partner even when you've been away from each other for just five minutes that is if you're truely in love, but if you don't miss yourselves when you're apart then that relationship lack passion. When you are more at peace and happy when apart then trust me something is really wrong.

6) He or She let you down frequently

If you're in a relationship where your partner bail out on you when you need them most, and seem not to learn from how much pain their past mistakes has cause you and they keep repeating such thing over and over, it only means there is something wrong it can only be a sign that you're not compatible.

7) He or She doesn't tell you things

One red flag that you're both headed different directions is a partner who does not confide in you or talk about important things, and you get to hear about most things you should have discussed as partners from someone else. Also if  you're in a relationship where you have difficulty in communicating with each other then that's another sign.


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