Through A Victim's Eyes

She woke up with sweat pouring from her face in rivers, she could still see his face, his breath and the unpleasant smell it brought back all the memories in detail. She was an undergraduate in one of the Insurgency marred States in the country when it happened she had gone to make a transaction at the bank when she met him he had assisted since he worked there. He was gregarious and they soon became as thick as thieves he was overly protective of her amongst friends which made her looked up to him like an older brother

She remembered the call she had received from him telling her he had been unable to go to work because he was sick, she decided to go visit him on her arrival she realized he had exaggerated things, but didn't go extremes because his friends were around he apologized his reason being that his previous invitations was turned down he excused himself to take the last of his friends home and got back some minutes to curfew  like a penitent child and promised taking her back the campus first light after curfew the next day.

After dinner she sat down to watch a show with him an hour later she decided to go to bed as she stood up to leave he pulled her, and shoved her back on the sofa, she was scared as his smile brought house breakers out in goose pumps it was as if his face was held together by a number of unseen bolts and each had suddenly been loosened he started touching  her breast, his lips on hers, his tongue all over her face he was deaf to her plea, and struggle she felt broken with every thrust. With the sofa dripping red he bowed his head in disgrace and walked out of the room without a word

She couldn't fall asleep as her night terror has become her grisly reality. The next morning as she made to leave he pleaded and tried explaining, something which must have been like speaking a foreign language to her. She soon became a shadow of herself, and like every rape victim kept her lip buttoned because she knew no one would believe her and blamed herself for what happened

Through the years she soon realized rape was prevalent in the society, and it's perpetrators were not just strangers, and these assaults happened in places where most victims felt comfortable she knew she need to get her story heard to protect others.


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