5 Reasons Why You Should Marry Your Friend

Marriage as we know is not a minute commitment, but a long time you will have to spend with someone it's  about opening up yourself in entirety to your spouse most people are scared of the aftermath of such openness, therefore giving way to secrets, lies, and betrayal, but when you marry your friend there will be no such fear because your friend already knows you. These few reasons will help you understand why it's important for your radar to look closer than straying.

It is important when making up your mind on who's to cruise on that 'forever ship' with you to be certain that  someone is your friend this is because your friend already knows you, and the most amazing thing is they respect you just the way you are. You are allowed to be yourself around them. In as much as getting married to a passionate person might be tempting and not bad, but getting married to your friend has it's peek and they know exactly what to do when you are in dire need of a friend.

Your friend will always be supportive and will never stop rooting for you, no matter how crazy your dreams are, your friend will be there to encourage and pull you up. They will be there through your pit and peek. You have shared values and goals and no matter how many times you fight they won't make you feel bad about yourself or give up on you

You can count on being your crazy, melancholic, and loud self around them, and they won't judge you or make you go on a personality revolution they get your inside joke and you don't have to be overly conscious or censor yourself with them because you are loved and accepted the way you are

Most relationship lack good communication people find themselves in situations where they cannot be themselves, and are scared to say it the way it is, but when with your friend you can talk about your need and emotions assertively without being judged  they listen and know the right thing to say.

 You remember the crazy, mischievous, adventurous things you've done together. You know each other too well that just by looking at the other person's face you know what they think or feel about a particular situation, most importantly you get to have fun and grow old together with no hidden surprise.


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