How To Forgive An Erring Partner2

A few weeks back, I made a post on the aforementioned topic, and recieved more than a dozen emails and direct messages asking me to "broaden the topic."

So, here we are. This is my little effort at making the said topic "broader." I will be direct as usually. ('Cause I can't help myself) 

Most times I'd rather leave the topices short and simple so the message I'm trying to convey is not lost. For everyone who asked for more, this is for you. 
Fingers crossed every missing tidbit in the last post is found here.

You're in Charge of your emotions

Truth is, anger can make you say or do things you'd probably regret. Always remember that you're in control when it comes to your emotions and not the other way. If you can remember this forgiveness comes easily.

Focus on what you love about your 

If you're struggling to forgive your partner for something big they did, it might be time to reflect on the things you love about them. Compare and contrast, ask yourself if whatever they did is worth ending your relationship for. 

Focus on the moment

When dealing with an erring partner a good percentage of us make the mistake of remembering all other similar things they did wrong in the past. The easiest way to forgive is to focus on what happened at the moment.

No perfect relationship

Every relationship has its struggle. An important pathway to forgiveness is for both partners to genuinely look at how they must have fanned the embers of the problem. I made similar statement in the previous post.

Blaming your partner for everything that goes south in your relationship will affect them negatively and this is not a solution.

Move past the offense

Forgiveness is easy when you forgive and let go of hurt. If your partner is sincere enough in admiting they're wrong, and genuinely apologizes, then its important you choose to forgive and try as much as you can to forget just for the sake of what you feel for them.


My thoughts

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