3 Types of Couples

If you're not in a relationship or married yet at least you know someone who is. Behind every relationship is a unique sweet story or a unique bitter story. So, I came to the realisation that there are three major types of couples. I know you're wondering what I'm talking about right now but here it is. 1) The mismatched couple These couple are the definition of romance and love. They make you want to question why you're with your your partner at first sight. When you're with one half all you get to hear is what the other half said, did and even when they are just a yard away from each other their phones keep buzzing because it's like one half can't survive without the other. When they finally take a vow before family and friends to stay glued to each other forever..Boom! 1-3 months down the path of marriage things get sour, then comes the bitter discovery that they were not in any way compatible; they begin to see a thousand thing wrong ...